A new PPA template for Vietnamese wind projects3 June 2019
As a sequel to our previous briefing “New Guidance on Vietnamese Wind Projects”, this briefing outlines the key changes to the terms of Vietnam’s wind power purchase agreement (“PPA”).
As a sequel to our previous briefing “New Guidance on Vietnamese Wind Projects”, this briefing outlines the key changes to the terms of Vietnam’s wind power purchase agreement (“PPA”).
Located in East Ayrshire, the 25-Gamesa turbine Afton project is already fully operational and receives a subsidy of 0.9 ROCs per MWh.
The wind park, which is owned by Spanish energy Company Villar Mir Energía, is under construction and goes live in Q1 2020.
We advised on the €285m greenfield financings for 85 solar parks in France with a total installed capacity of 150.23 MW that closed in the last four months.
We are delighted to announce that its associated law firm LVN & Associates in Vietnam, which will be known as Watson Farley & Williams LVN as of today, has joined the firm’s international network and platform.
This project will be one of the largest utility-scale solar PV facilities in Spain upon completion.
We have secured an impressive set of rankings in the Q1 2019 Energy & Infrastructure league table rankings.
Titus joining us is a fantastic catalyst to boost our practice in the expanding African market.
We are delighted to have advised the lenders on this project financing, one of the first limited recourse project financing transaction in Argentina in recent years.
We are delighted to have advised Marguerite once again on the German law financing of a Swedish wind farm.
We advised Investec Bank on the construction financing for a 34.7MW solar photovoltaic project near York.