Snacks: Digestible Weekly Labour News – Issue 979 March 2023
Read the ninety seventh edition of our weekly update of Italian labour law.
Read the ninety seventh edition of our weekly update of Italian labour law.
In this article, Partner Barry Hembling and Associate Jamie Bell look at the key terms of the Building Safety Pledge and what the pledge may mean for developers.
This article gives an overview of the aquaculture industry in Spain and will be followed by a second focussing on M&A in the sector.
This week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly considers a Supreme Court decision on rent repayment orders, two maritime decisions as to calculation of the liability sum and determination of time limitation issues in relation to oil pollution.
In this article, we discuss the uncertainty surrounding design obligations in the Thai construction/engineering sector following the UK Supreme Court’s judgment in MT Højgaard v E.ON.
This article discusses the approval process of the Italian Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security decree regulating incentives for Renewable Energy Communities (“Comunità Energetiche Rinnovabili”).
Read the ninety sixth edition of our weekly update of Italian labour law.
The portfolio comprises five solar PV plants in Valladolid, Castilla y León, Spain.
The firm once again achieved strong results in the full year 2022 energy and infrastructure league tables.
The plants will each use circa 54,000 tonnes of compost annually.
The projects are the first solar project development pipeline acquired by EDF in Germany.
A varied issue for Commercial Disputes Weekly covering novation from conduct and a no dealing clause, formalities for the witnessing of deeds, whether an adjudicator exercised a lien and an injunction to prevent use of documents overseas.