WFW advises Sonnedix on PPA for 77 MW Spanish solar PV portfolio
The portfolio comprises five solar PV plants in Valladolid, Castilla y León, Spain.
The portfolio comprises five solar PV plants in Valladolid, Castilla y León, Spain.
The PV plant is located in the municipality of Mula in Murcia, Spain.
Under the PPA, the power supply is expected to commence in 2024 and run until the end of 2033.
Until now, PPAs have been negotiated and executed individually between different energy producers and off-takers, without common standards between them
The PPA covers 17 projects in the Spanish regions of Teruel, Zaragoza, Badajoz, Cuenca and Valladolid, which will collectively generate enough energy to supply more than 450.000 homes per year.
This article discusses the impact of the coronavirus on the German renewables industry, including falling market prices and its effects, tender proceedings and the movement of technical staff.
We will be co-hosting with Enervis a webinar on Renewable… Read more
The new 2019 FER Decree was published in the Italian Official Gazette: Incentives also for photovoltaic plants.
At our Husum warm-up event in Hamburg, WFW Partners from various jurisdictions will be presenting the latest developments concerning the PPA market for renewable projects.
As a sequel to our previous briefing “New Guidance on Vietnamese Wind Projects”, this briefing outlines the key changes to the terms of Vietnam’s wind power purchase agreement (“PPA”).