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Snacks: Digestible Weekly Labour News – Issue 13423 November 2023


"The deadline for employers with 50+ employees to introduce the compulsory whistleblowing channel is approaching."

In this edition of our bitesize weekly Italian employment update, “Snacks”, our team looks at the following recent cases and notices:
  • installation of video surveillance systems in breach of the law and criminal offences;
  • increased repêchage obligation when tasks of the same level are available;
  • it is discriminatory to reward food delivery riders using parameters such as diligence and customer satisfaction;
  • dismissal for overall costs reduction and selection criteria;
  • Inps clarifies sick leave for seafarers;
  • repêchage and reinstatement obligations;
  • exclusion of associate worker and restoration of employment;
  • resignation for cause, even in the event of criminal proceedings;
  • refusal to transfer and dismissal for cause; and
  • ban on economic dismissals during the pandemic and invalidity of employer’s notice of dismissal with effect from a later date.