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German Public Sector Newsletter: December 202212 December 2022

This is the last issue of our newsletter for 2022 with a summary of current developments in the public sector.

The acceleration of infrastructure projects and its associated procurement processes is a major topic in the industry. We therefore ask the question to what extent the acceleration legislation for the use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and in Bundeswehr procurement can actually contribute to a sustainable culture change in procurement. Also in the area of planning and approval procedures, legal facilitations have been extended in hope of bringing planning and approvals for infrastructure projects to a quicker conclusion. The boost to the financing of such projects through state funding will continue to gain in importance, for example with the new funding programme for the implementation of efficient heating networks (BEW). However, we will only gain speed in project implementation if we accelerate planning and approval processes, professionalise procurement projects and provide sufficient funds for financing.

With this month’s topic ‘Urban design options for sustainability’ we would like to show the possibilities for implementing projects with forward-looking urban planning for the preservation and creation of liveable spaces at the interface of building and public procurement law.

In addition, we have again compiled a selection of practice-relevant developments in legislation as well as current decisions on public procurement law.

Please click on the DE link to read more.