WFW secures positive results in Q3 energy and infrastructure league tables
The results showcase the dedication and expertise of our lawyers across our international network.
The results showcase the dedication and expertise of our lawyers across our international network.
WFW performed well in the Inframation, inspiratia and IJGlobal H1 league tables.
The league tables are compiled by leading publications IJGlobal, Inframation and inspiratia.
The firm excelled in the full year 2023 energy and infrastructure league tables.
We have another strong set of results in the H1 2023 energy and infrastructure league table rankings.
We achieved excellent rankings in the Infralogic Q1 2023 league tables with over 50 rankings in the top 20 of their respective categories.
The results cement our position as unrivalled legal advisers in the energy & infrastructure sectors.
The firm continues to perform in Inframation, inspiratia and IJGlobal’s rankings.
The firm once again improved its rankings in the H1 2021 energy and infrastructure league tables by leading publications Inframation, inspiratia and IJGlobal.