Financial Services Regulation

Meet the team

Our experienced, multi-disciplinary team has deep knowledge of global financial regulation and expertise across our key sectors.

Our lawyers are experts at navigating the complex, constantly evolving web of regulations that underpin the world’s financial markets. With a constantly evolving and changing legislative and regulatory environment, the team provides specialist advice to ensure compliance with the very latest regulations, whilst also maximising opportunities for our clients to take advantage of change.

We advise banks, funds, asset managers, broker/dealers and other leading financial institutions on global regulatory challenges, with a particular focus on those based in the UK, EU and Asia. We regularly advise clients on regulatory developments in response to the 2008 financial crisis, such as SFTR, MiFID II, Market Abuse Directive II, EMIR, PSD 2, and the CRR. We routinely advise on UK prudential and compliance matters. Recent work has focussed on providing advice on issues arising following Brexit and the new regulatory framework introduced in the UK as a result.

The regulatory landscape is a complex labyrinth to navigate and our team members’ decades of combined experience of working in this area offer a unique perspective which is dedicated to the practical management of regulatory risk. In doing so, the pre-eminence of our clients’ business aspirations is foremost in our thoughts. Our philosophy is to drive their business priorities whilst working within the regulatory framework. Our goal is to provide practical and innovative solutions to facilitate their businesses’ growth. We work in a collaborative environment drawing on the expertise of our practitioners to find the best and most cost-effective outcome for our clients.

Our team is strongly placed to provide standalone advice on key issues and throughout the life cycle of major transactions in our core sectors, where our experienced lawyers can add significant value and provide detailed, tailored advice should any regulatory issue arise.


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