Joe McGladdery
Partner London
Joe is a Partner in the Maritime Group.
A specialist in the offshore and LNG markets, Joe advises high profile clients including LNG owners and operators, offshore contractors, banks and other financial institutions operating in the LNG and offshore sectors on a broad range of commercial matters.
These range from asset-backed finance transactions, joint venture structures, newbuilding programmes to the sale, purchase and leaseback and chartering arrangements of LNG vessels and offshore units, such as floating production, storage and offtake units (FPSOs/FLNG), floating storage and regasification units (FSRUs) and drilling units.
Joe has direct industry experience, having worked as general counsel for Qatar Gas Transport Company Ltd.
- Advising Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha on the construction arrangements for a series of newbuild LNG vessels, in addition to their long-term charter contracts with affiliates of Electricité de France.
- Advising Teekay on the terms of its construction contracts and chartering arrangements in respect of a series of LNG carriers for the Yamal LNG Project.
- Advising NYK on the construction and long term chartering arrangements of a series of newbuild LNG carriers with TotalEnergies.
- Advising a major offshore contractor on the terms of its EPCIC and O&M arrangements for an FPSO to be operated offshore Western Australia.