A Beginner’s Guide to Hydrogen18 March 2021
Max Boemke, Marianne Anton and Shraiya Thapa’s introduction to the hydrogen sector has featured in UK energy industry news provider Energy Manager Magazine’s March 2021 edition.
Max Boemke, Marianne Anton and Shraiya Thapa’s introduction to the hydrogen sector has featured in UK energy industry news provider Energy Manager Magazine’s March 2021 edition.
The Camden solar PV portfolio comprises the 50 MW Grange project in Newark, Nottinghamshire, and the 50 MW South Lowfield project in Fleetham, North Yorkshire.
In the fourth article in our ‘Hydrogen – What is the hype about?’ series, we offer an overview of the current state of play for hydrogen in the UK, expectations for a future national strategy and implications for the energy, transport and real estate sectors.
In the third article of our sector series on the EU Taxonomy Regulation for Sustainable Investments, we set out the key concepts introduced by the Taxonomy Regulation and explain what this means for market participants in the energy sector.
In the seventh article of our OFTO series, we set out common issues that arise in negotiating OFTO sale and purchase agreements, particularly in light of the unusual dynamics created by the tender process.
This is the first article in our ‘Hydrogen – What is the hype about?’ series, which provides an overview of the hydrogen sector and the strategy for its development in multiple jurisdictions.
Our new eight-part series ‘Hydrogen – What is the hype about?’ provides an overview of the hydrogen sector and the strategy for its development in multiple jurisdictions across Europe.
The treatment of “income adjusting events” is a source of potential litigation, both in terms of judicial reviews and contractual warranty or indemnity claims. In the sixth of our nine-part series on the OFTO Regime, this article examines the issues that arise and how parties might seek to resolve them.
The wind farm has a total installed capacity of 588 MW. This investment is TRIG’s third in a UK offshore wind farm and represents circa 12% of its overall investment portfolio.
In the fifth of our nine-part series on the OFTO Regime, this article, we consider how the operation of the Generator Commissioning Clause affects the OFTO tender process, its unintended consequences and whether it is still fit for purpose.
The fourth of our nine-part OFTO series discusses an early holiday gift from Ofgem and BEIS: consultations on the OFTO regime and CfD Allocation Round 4, with responses due early in the new year.
In the third of our nine-part series on the OFTO Regime, this article explores issues arising from the acquisition and divestment of property interests for OFTO transactions.