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Snacks: Digestible Weekly Labour News – Issue 19630 January 2025


"To avoid claims of indirect discrimination, the maximum period of sick leave should be higher than the usual period."

In this edition of Snacks, our bitesize weekly Italian employment law update, we look at the following recent cases and notices:

• lawful double disciplinary dismissal if each of them is based on a different set of facts;
• distinction between distancing and abandonment of the workplace;
• principal’s joint and several liability in service contracts and compensation for holidays not taken;
• WhatsApp message ‘screenshots’ constitute valid proof;
• determination of severance pay against shareholders in the case of a dissolved company;
• INPS clarifies contribution reduction for transformation of apprenticeship contract;
• exemption of insolvent companies from additional CIG contributions pay;
• INPS excludes contribution exemption for seasonal activities set by the ‘Collegato Lavoro’;
• INL clarifications on appeals against safety orders; and
• report on company and territorial collective agreements on variable pay and welfare published.

If you would like to receive further details on any of the above points, please get in touch with our Italy employment team.

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