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Snacks: Digestible Weekly Labour News – Issue 11727 July 2023


"The right not to do night work for mothers with kids under age three cannot be subject to restrictions."

In this edition of our bitesize weekly Italian employment update, “Snacks”, our team looks the following recent cases and notices:
  • damages for violating the ‘right to rest’ due to excessive on-call shifts;
  • the effect of the current heat wave – including access to social safety nets and ministerial guidelines to mitigate the risk of heat-related illness and injuries;
  • rules on mandatory safety training even if it exceeds part-time working hours;
  • CJEU updates on failing to send a letter initiating collective dismissal procedures to the relevant public authorities;
  • the dismissal of a disabled employee for exceeding sick leave period;
  • a retaliatory dismissal;
  • INAIL obligations in relation to instances of ‘mobbing’; and
  • INAIL updates on the reimbursement of expenses relating to professional injuries or illness suffered overseas.