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German Public Sector Newsletter: December 202314 December 2023

In the latest issue of our newsletter, we would like to again update you about current developments in the public sector.

Everyone is talking about the urgent need to accelerate mobility, infrastructure or digitalisation projects – if only it weren’t for the current uncertainty in the budget situation, staff shortages at project sponsors and capacity bottlenecks in the markets. As a result, the requirements for the preparation and implementation of procurement projects continue to increase, as these uncertainties must be sufficiently taken into account.

Investment and expansion incentives in the field of digital infrastructure – with our topic of the month, we would like to inform you based on current developments in legislation about what innovations can be expected from the EU’s Gigabit Infrastructure Act. For example, the coordination of construction work on grid-bound infrastructure such as local heating networks, drainage facilities, etc.

In addition, we have again compiled a selection of practice-relevant developments in legislation, as well as current decisions under public procurement law.

Please click on the DE link to read more.