WFW advises lenders on €372m Solaria project financing agreement
The 100% renewable energy that will be produced by the portfolio’s plants will reduce emissions by 340,000 tons of CO2 and supply 416,000 Spanish homes every year.
The 100% renewable energy that will be produced by the portfolio’s plants will reduce emissions by 340,000 tons of CO2 and supply 416,000 Spanish homes every year.
With over €1.4bn under management, RGREEN INVEST is an independent French investment management company with a proven track record in investing and financing the energy transition and adaptation to climate change.
Watson Farley & Williams has advised Blue Elephant Energy AG on its acquisition, via its subsidiary BEE Piemonte S.r.l, of a 4 MW portfolio comprising six solar PV plants located in Piedmont in northern Italy.
In this article, certain aspects and provisions of RD-L 6/2022 are analysed, which we consider particularly relevant for renewable energy projects.
GAC is one of the leading independent Italian operators in the alternative investment world, with assets under management amounting to c. €1.8bn.