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Snacks: Digestible Weekly Labour News – Issue 17719 September 2024


"If the fixed-term contract is converted into permanent, the employee may proof additional damages to the 12 months maximum threshold."

In this edition of Snacks, our bitesize weekly Italian employment law update, we look at the following recent cases and notices:
  • new (relevant) provision on sanctions for fixed term contracts;
  • sanctions against employers for illegally renting to migrant workers;
  • annual reassessment of Inail compensation for physical / psychological damage announced;
  • employers cannot delay disciplinary proceedings;
  • renewed the INL / Assolavoro protocol to combat undeclared work and illegal supply of manpower;
  • safety issues associated with using MEWPs;
  • ordinary invalidity allowance calculated entirely with the contributory system;
  • lawful recording of colleagues’ conversations exists when a fundamental right is threatened;
  • second phase of checking foreign pensioners begins;
  • smartphone-linked software system for legitimate attendance recording; and
  • trade union’s assembly lawful if provided for by NCLAs.

If you would like to receive further details on any of the above points, please get in touch with our Italy employment team.

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